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Showing results 1953 to 1972 of 5951 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Exploring the impact of extended services on academic achievement for primary school pupils in povertyPattison, Louise
2016Exploring the interaction of DNA repair pathways in ovarian cancerMcCormick, Aiste
2016Exploring the mechanisms behind cigarette smoke-induced internalization of CFTRMarklew, Abigail Jane
2018Exploring the mechanistic effects of life extending treatments on the mTOR network : a combined computational and experimental approachMcDonald, Neil William
2017Exploring the orthogonal dynamic covalent imine and disulfide bonds in polymer systemsBracchi, Michael Edward
2023Exploring the Physics of Surface-Bacteria Interactions and Developing Novel Techniques for Biofilm CharacterisationDawson, Jack James
2013Exploring the post 16 transition experiences of pupils with autistic spectrum disordersBarrow, Lucy Caroline
2014Exploring the potential of oxidative stress-related biomarkers of ageing in a population-based study of the very oldWiley, Laura
2018Exploring the Pre-B receptor checkpoint as a therapeutic target in acute lymphoblasic leukaemiaAlhammer, Ali Haider Mohammed Ali.
2019Exploring the relationship between access to social care and healthcare utilisation by older adultsSpiers, Gemma Frances
2015Exploring the relationship between prevalence of overweight and obesity in 10-11 year olds and the outdoor physical environment in North East EnglandGallo Gonzalez, Rachel Gill
2022Exploring the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in skeletal dysplasiaDietmar, Helen Friederike
2020Exploring the role of sociotechnical systems to support deliberative localist decision-makingJohnson, Ian G.
2020Exploring the role of technologies in building Syrian refugee community resilienceTalhouk, Reem Refaat
2017Exploring the sail training voyage as a cultural communityFletcher, Eric John
2012Exploring the scope and utility of dynamic covalent chemistry within polymeric nanoparticlesJackson, Alexander William
2023Exploring the social and political lives of gender nonconforming people in IndiaMukherjee, Ankita
2019Exploring the structure and the roles of executive functions in typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorderWen, Yunhong
2020Exploring the use of online reflective journals as a way of enhancing reflection whilst learning in the field : the experience of teachers in Saudi ArabiaAlmalki, Shatha Mohammed
2020Exploring the Use of Plant Volatiles as a Sustainable Control Method for Glasshouse Whiteflies on Glasshouse-Grown TomatoConboy, Niall J. A.