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Showing results 2300 to 2319 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019GPS precise positioning using multisensor data fusion for vehicular communicationYin, Jiachen
1993GPS time correlation and its implication for precise navigationRoberts, William David Summerfield
1998GPS-aerotriangulation : in observation spaceCorumluoglu, Oszen
2024Grains and fruits : agrarian change and class relations in La Araucania, Southern ChileBolomey Cordova, Carlos Felipe
2011Grammatical development among Chinese L2 learners : from a processability accountWang, Xiaojing
2022Graphene resonators for mass sensing applicationsUnom, Fadoo George
1997A graphical system for parallel software developmentAllen, Robert Stephen
2022Great British Rainstorms – An events-based characterization of the properties of sub-hourly to daily annual maximum producing rainfall eventsVillalobos Herrera, Roberto
2008Great expectations: teenage pregnancy and intergenerational transmissionMcNulty, Ann
1999Greek images of monarchy and their influence on Rome from Alexander to AugustusSmith, Philip Jonathan
2010Green infrastructure :concepts, perceptions and its use in spatial planningMell, Ian Caleb
2018The grey space : notions of loss in writing real lives : critical thesis & The sculptress, a work of creative non-fictionBrownlee, Lucie Alexandra
2010A grid and cloud-based framework for high throughput bioinformaticsFlanagan, Keith Stanley
2008Grid fault ride through for wind turbine doubly-fed induction generatorsPannell, Graham Steven
2017Ground gas source, migration and hazard :a conceptual modelTeasdale, Christopher James
2019Ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GBSAR) interferometry for deformation monitoringWang, Zheng
2018A grounded theory of authenticity and quality constructions for ethnic restaurants : implications for effective marketing strategiesChatzopoulou, Eleni
1974Groups of automorphisms of operator algebrasMoffat, James
2013Growing old in Easington :a life course study of ageing and the social environment in the former mining villages of Easington, County DurhamEnglund, Julie Anne
2016Growth and metabolic outcomes in children born preterm :the Growmore studyTinnion, Robert John