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Showing results 3327 to 3346 of 5873 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Measurement schemes with reduced number of sensors for modular multilevel converterAbushafa, Osama Alshebani Mohamed
2007Measurement uncertainty in gear metrologyFrazer, Robert Charles
1998Measuring outcome after strokeDorman, Paul Jocob
2009Measuring the effects of the light rail transit (LRT) system on house prices in the Klang Valley, MalaysiaDziauddin, Mohd Faris
1975The mechanical and cutting properties of rocks related to the application of tunnel boring machinesSuwannapinij, Sompop
2018Mechanical interactions between bacterial cells and hydrogels : an experimental and modelling approachKandemir, Nehir
2012Mechanical modelling of composites with reinforcements in finite deformationShi, Xiaohao
1976Mechanical properties of some nitrided iron alloysJones, David M
2017Mechanising an algebraic rely-guarantee refinement calculusMachado Dias, Diego
2024Mechanism Design for Container Sharing under the Impact of Carbon TaxWang, Haoyu
2022Mechanism design for the city logistics allianceCai, Shuo
2015Mechanism of action of cyclosporine A in atopic eczema and role of cyclophilin B as a regulator of human keratinocyte growth and differentiationSinha, Aparna
2024The mechanism of action of LL-37 revisited : exploring its activity and interaction with the Gram-positive model organism Bacillus subtilisHumphrey, Madeleine Cate
2019Mechanism of action of metformin on glucose 6-phosphate in hepatocytesMoonira, Tabassum Naher
2013The mechanism of trichloroethylene neurotoxicity and its relation to ParkinsonismKeane, Paul
2017Mechanisms and impact of Post-transcriptional Exon Shuffling (PTES)Izuogu, Ginikachukwu Osagie
2013Mechanisms by which glycoside hydrolases recognize plant, bacterial and yeast polysaccharidesCuskin, Fiona Marie
2018Mechanisms for improving ZooKeeper Atomic Broadcast performanceEl-Sanosi, Ibrahim
2012Mechanisms for maintaining the telomere cap in eukaryotic cellsHolstein, Eva-Maria
2015Mechanisms involved in the accumulation of mitochrondrial DNA defects following anti-HIV therapyGardner, Kristian