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Showing results 3702 to 3721 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Multidisciplinary assessment of cumulative experience in laboratory rhesus macaquesCastellano Bueno, Janire
2015A multidisciplinary investigation into socioeconomic variation in behaviourPepper, Gillian
2017Multifactorial analysis of mesenchymal stem cell properties for storage and transportationD'Agostino, Fabio Salvatore
2017A multimodal conversation analytic study of word-searches in L2 interactionBinti Abdullah, Nur Nabilah
2021A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Entrepreneurship in Entre-tainmentCopilah-Ali, Jehana
2018Multimodal language learning environment of the Korean digital kitchen : a study on the impact of physicality and technological affordances on Korean vocabulary learningPark, Jaeuk
2020The multimodal work of creating a humorous frame in English as a foreign language classesCopur, Nimet
2014Multimorbidity in the ageing human brain :associations between Alzheimer's disease pathology and white matter hyperintensitiesMcAleese, Kirsty Elizabeth
1999Multiparty interactions in dependable distributed systemsZorzo, Avelino Francisco
2014Multiphase modelling of desiccation cracking in compacted soilStirling, Ross Alexander
2021Multiphase wireless dynamic charging systems for electric vehiclesVu, Van Binh
2019Multiple and conjoined wh-questions in Najdi ArabicAlshammari, Naif Shalan S.
2018Multiple causality of differences in taboo translation of blockbuster films by Chinese fansubbers and professionalsHe, Zhengguo
2015Multiple parameters based pulsed eddy current non-destructive testing and evaluationAdewale, Ibukun Dapo
2013The multiple subject construction in Arabic : evidence from subject doubling in Tunisian ArabicJlassi, Mohamed
2012Multiscale impacts of land use/management changes on flood response in the River Hodder catchment, North-West EnglanGeris, Josie Regina Catharina.
2022Multiscale modelling and structure-guided development of small molecules tackling neuroinflammation and inflammageingLiu, Danlin
1998Multivariate statistical process control of chemical processesPapazoglou, Michael
2012Multivariate statistical process monitoring using classical multidimensional scalingMohd Yunus, Mohd Yusri
2011The musculoskeletal learning needs of doctors in training for general practiceWise, Elspeth Mary