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Showing results 3907 to 3926 of 5898 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013On the mechanisation of the logic of partial functionsLovert, Matthew James
2017On the security of mobile sensorsMehrnezhad, Maryam
1978On the selection and implementation of data structure representationsGimson, Roger Brian
1996On the synthesis of integral and dynamic recurrencesRapanotti, Lucia
2004On the use of computational fluid dynamics for predicting natural displacement ventilation flows through a large enclosureHowell, Stephen Anthony
2019On-line ship performance monitoring system for biofouling and its control.Carchen, Alessandro
2015Oncogenomic screening strategies to identify driver genes in acute myeloid leukaemia /Clayton, Jake Crispin
2023Online acoustic monitoring and localisation of partial discharges within subsea umbilicalsSmith, Lindsay Jacqueline
2022Online dispute resolution as a mechanism to enhance consumer trust in e-commerce : how can Saudi Arabian law be improved?Alshathri, Saud Abdullah
2020Online junction temperature estimation of siC power MOSFETSLu, Xiang
2017Online learning of personalised human activity recognition models from user-provided annotationsMiu, Tudor Alin
2016Online public engagement in higher education : studying the perspectives of academics and the publicDermentzi, Eleni
2014The ontology of generative music listeningO'Rourke, Michelle
2018Open fracture infection following combat trauma : defining the problem and evaluating novel treatmentsPenn-Barwell, Jowan G
2015Operating policies for energy efficient large scale computingForshaw, Matthew James
2010Operational simulation and an economical modelling study on utilizing waste heat energy in a desalination plant and an absorption chillerAl-Zahrani, Khaled Saeed
2019Operator algebras associated to semigroup actionsBickerton, Robert Thomas
1999Operator and functional theory of the symmetrized polydiscOgle, David John
2019Opportunistic detection of atrial fibrillation during ambulatory blood pressure measurementWhitbourn, Sarah Anne
2013Opportunity development process in sustainability entrepreneurshipMunoz Roman, Pablo A.