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Showing results 4009 to 4028 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Osteoarthritis-associated DNA methylation changes in chondrogenic enhancer regions in relation to gene expression regulationBurgers, Marjolein Johanna
2003Otitis media with effusion :key factorsTasker, Andrea
2015Out of body experiences: a practice-led evaluation of the shifting boundaries shared by analogue films and their digital counterpartsDee, Jason
2012Outcomes and impacts of blow-out fractures of the orbitAlhamdani, Faaiz Yaqub Kadhum
2018Overcoming water-gas-shift equilibrium via chemical loopingMak, Cheuk-Man
2006Overcrowding and the Holy Mosque, Makkah, Saudi ArabiaHalabi, Wael Saleh
2015Overkill : the sexualised body in violent identity politicsArmstrong, Megan Ann
1998Overraction, size effects and seasonality in Malasyian and Far-Eastern marketsAhmad, Zamri
1998Owner-occupiers transformation of public low cost housing in Peninsular MalaysiaSalim, Azizah
1980The oxidation resistance of nitrided iron alloysCoates, David John
2017Oxidation-dependent regulation of the selective autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62Manni, Diego
2013Oxygen flux through unmodified and modified La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-8 hollow fibre membranes and application to methane oxidationRodulfo-Baechler, Serbia
2012Ozone and nitrogen controls on carbon allocation within plants and soilWyness, Kirsten Victoria Robyn
2023The p-type Project- Development of Alternative Sensitisers and p-type Materials for Integration into Tandem DevicesFlint, Heather Victoria
2016p62 : linking protein homeostasis and the DNA damage response during ageingHewitt, Graeme
2021The Pacific self : oceanic narratives and self-representation in accounts of eighteenth-century British voyages of Pacific explorationGane, Daniel Charles
1978Pair bonding in the zebra finchSilcox, Andrew Paul
1998Palaeoenvironmental investigations of Holocene landscapes in the North Tyne basin, northern EnglandMoores, Andrew John
1987Palaeolatitudinal controls of Phanerozoic sediment-hosted mineral depositsGrainger, Susan Elizabeth
1994Palaeolimnology and holocene environmental change from endoreic lakes in the Ebro Basin, North-East SpainDavis, Basil Andrew Stansfield