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Showing results 4049 to 4068 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Participatory land planning in the region of Madrid (Spain) :an integrative perspectiveHernandez Jimenez, Veronica
2014Participatory modelling for holistic understanding of catchment health and human health in Andean rural microcatchments :the case of CalabazasDominguez Rivera, Isabel Cristina
2018Participatory urban redevelopment in Tehran : an investigation through sense of placeErfani, Goran
1984Particle detectors in curved space quantum field theoryHinton, Kerry
2021Partisan budget cycles and electoral accountability in the European Union using Household Tax Rates, 1996-2016Tengur, Neha Devi
2016Partitioning workflow applications over federated clouds to meet non-functional requirementsWen, Zhenyu
2018Passive fire protection of metallic structuresWan Jusoh, Wan Nursheila Binti
2014Passive low frequencey RFID for detection and monitoring of corrosion under paint and insulationAlamin, Mohammed
2017Passive low frequency RFID for non-destructive evaluation and monitoringSunny, G A. M. Ali Imam
2020The past and future impact of ice tongue loss on outlet glaciers in northern GreenlandHill, Emily Ann
1976Path expressions: a technique for specifying process synchronizationCampbell, Roy Harold
2017Pathogenesis of mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscleRosa, Hannah Sophia
2013The pathogenesis of oxaliplatin induced sinusoidal obstruction syndromeRobinson, Stuart Michael
2015A pathological investigation of the frontal lobe in post-stroke dementia and other ageing-related dementiasFoster, Vincent
2015Pathophysiology and novel therapeutic approaches in autoimmune Addison's DiseaseGan, Earn Hui
2017Pathophysiology of anoctaminopathy (LGMD2L)Kirk, Calum Norman Robert
2023Pathophysiology of heart failure with preserved ejection fractionSengupta, Shantan
2018A pathway for sustainable development of mixed crop-livestock systems in semi-arid Kenya :an integrated approach to soil nutrient managementGolicha, David Duba
2013Patient and professional views and experience of oral precancerGreen, Rachel
2014Patient involvement in multidisciplinary team decision making in head and neck cancer :an ethnographic studyHamilton, David Winston