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Showing results 4434 to 4453 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Quality management in Malaysian organizations :the relevance of values to improvement processMat Hassan, Mohd Ezani
2017Quality of distance e-learning at Saudi universities : students' perceptionsAlhathlol, Ali
2018The quality of experience of next generation audio :exploring system, context and human influence factorsWalton, Timothy
2017Quality of life and palliative care need in multiple system atrophy and progressive supranuclear palsy : a pilot study using quantitative and qualitative methodsWiblin, Louise
2008Quality of life, physiological evaluation and novel treatment in refractory constipation : a study of patients from a specialist clinic in the North East of EnglandCowlam, Simon
2011Quality of service for VoIP in wireless communicationsLopetegui Cincunegui, Iban
2013Quantification of bread crust crispness including the effects of selected additivesAl-Hebeil, Salah Ali I
2016Quantification of pathology in Lewy body: the impact of multiple pathologiesWalker, Lauren
2022Quantification of the demands of elite rugby union players and understanding the subsequent physiological and epigenetic responses : $$b an applied approach towards prescription and individualisationKupusarevic, Joe Dusan
2018A quantified past : fieldwork and design for remembering a data-driven lifeElsden, Christopher Richard
2013Quantifying activity in nascent neuronal networks derived from embryonic stem cellsAdams, Natalie
2014Quantifying and simulating the impact of flood mitigation features in a small rural catchmentNicholson, Alexander Robert
2014Quantifying and upscaling surface and subsurface runoff and nutrient flows under climate variabilityTripkovic, Vesna
2022Quantifying impacts from natural hazards on World Heritage ‐ A case study from Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Hadrian’s WallDavidson, Lesley
2014Quantifying the benefits and risks of real-time thermal ratings in electrical networksGreenwood, David Michael
2013Quantifying the spatio-temporal temperature dynamics of Greater London using thermal Earth observationHolderness, Tomas du Chemin
2024Quantifying the Utility of Adaptive DesignsMukherjee, Aritra
2014Quantitative analysis of distributed systemsZeng, Wen
2019Quantitative analysis of oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction in mitochondrial myopathy and ageingWarren, Charlotte Frances
2014Quantitative analysis of the release order of defensive mechanismsAlsuhibany, Suliman Abdullah