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Showing results 4474 to 4493 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Rapid detection of immunotoxicity and adverse reactions to new compounds using 3D skin equivalent modelsPimenta Martins Ribeiro, Ana Patricia
2022Ratcheted rings for leidenfrost self-propulsion and droplet mixingWang, Guanqi
2012Rate scalable image compression in the wavelet domainNgadiran, Ruzelita
1994A rational approach to the design of propulsors behind axisymmetric bodiesGuner, Mesut
2020The Rational Design of a Bio-electrochemical System A quantitative investigation into the design of a commercially viable microbial electrolysis cell for domestic wastewater treatment and hydrogen productionAiken, Daniel
2018Rational dilation and constrained algebrasUndrakh, Batzorig
2020RC/GC developing tools for the remote control of genetic circuitsAllan, John
2022Re-Designing Planning Policy Processes and Embedding Technology: The Case of Neighbourhood PlanningManuel, Jennifer
2018Re-orchestration of these voices : an exploration of how an educational psychologist can make maximum impact when only minimum contact with a child or young person is possibleKendall, Philippa
2015Re-visioning the development of head teachers in Jeddah : seeing head teachers professional learning through a new lensAlkarni, Abdullah
2008Reactions and responses to the Great Fire :London and England in the later 17th centuryField, Jacob Franz
2018A reactive architecture for cloud-based system engineeringAdjepon-Yamoah, David Ebo
2021Reactive coupling for biodiesel production with integrated glycerol valorisationMohammed, Ibrahim Aris
2015Reactive extraction of microalgae for biodiesel productionSalam, Kamoru Adio
2022Reactive jet impingement bioprinting for in vitro model developmentBowes, Aidan
2011The reactivity and isotopic fractionation of Fe-bearing minerals during sulfidation :an experimental approachMcAnena, Alison
2013Read all about it? :newspaper coverage of the archaeological excavation, retention, and reburial of human remains within the United KingdomPark, Victoria Mary
2011Reading cyberspace :fictions, figures and (DIS) embodimentStoate, Robin
2014Reading the language of attire :clothing and identity in Frances Hodgson Burnett, Edith Nesbit and Beatrix PotterJeikner, Alexander
2019Reading the walls in Bogotá : imaginaries of violence in the urban visual landscapeGriffin, Alba