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Showing results 5747 to 5766 of 5935 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000The uses and abuses of anti-communism by southern segregationists as a weapon of massive resistance, 1948-1965Lewis, George David Gwynder
2004The uses and limitations of the forensic method in assessing Marmaduke Tunstall's collections and Hawaiian wicker headsJessop, Leslie
2005Using a loadtime metaobject protocol to enforce access control policies upon user-level compiled codeWelch, Ian Shawn
2023Using a video tagging application to support professional development and reflection: a case study of pre-service and in-service teachersTasdemir, Saziye
2018Using an illumination discrimination paradigm to investigate the role of illumination priors in colour perceptionAston, Stacey Jane
2021Using atomic force microscopy to analyse the geomechanical properties of organic rich rocksFender, Thomas David
2022Using audit and feedback to improve colonic polyp detection, qualitative studies within the national endoscopy database automated performance reports to improve quality outcomes trial (NED APRIQOT)Catlow, Jamie
2017Using Bluetooth to estimate traffic metrics for traffic management applicationsAyodele, Emmanuel Gbenga
2018Using chemical structure and inocula characteristics to predictively model biodegradation rateKishor, Acharya
2019Using consummatory behaviour to measure the affective state and welfare of laboratory miceClarkson, Jasmine Maria
2019Using economic evaluation and preference elicitation methods to inform decisions about how best to reorganise services :a case study of the redesign of emergency medical servicesBhattarai, Nawaraj
2022Using genetic linkage analysis to identify nuclear genetic modifiers of the pathogenic mtDNA variation m.3243A>GBoggan, Róisín Marie
2024Using induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to discover advanced therapies for Pre-mRNA processing factor linked Retinitis PigmentosaAtkinson, Robert
2021Using Ipsative assessment to improve feedback quality and the student assessment experience in university computer scienceCrosby, Ryan
2008Using mobile computing for construction site information managementChen, Yuan
2018Using mobile technology to foster autonomy among language learnersAlbadry, Haifa Fareed Abdulmajeed.
2015Using mouse models to learn about mitochrondial DNA point mutations in ageing and diseaseBaines, Holly Louise
2016Using natural gas to meet latent energy demand in Nigeria and deliver economic advantageAdamu, Ahmed
2020Using novel nanostructured materials for desulphurisation and oil clean-upAlibraheemi, Ahmed
2016Using person centred planning with children and young people : what are the outcomes and how is it experienced at a time of transition from primary to secondary school?Partington, Laura Michelle