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Showing results 365 to 384 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013B cells as antigen-presenting cells in a model of rheumatoid arthritisHine, Dominic William
2020Bacterial DNA replication initiation : structural and functional analysisof the master initiator DnaAStevens, Daniel
2012Bacterial removal of iron impurities to increase the quality and value of industrial mineralsYahaya, Sani
2024Bacterial Sculpting : a processual approach to forming with unruly matterArnardottir, Thora Hafdis
2019Bacterially derived non-ribosomally synthesized peptides : isolation, structural elucidation, total synthesis and biological investigationTyler, Andrew Robert Michael
2021The balance between predators and prey in a mixed seabird colony: managing biodiversity and the conservation of rare speciesAlfarwi, Ibrahim
1979Balancing planar linkage mechanismsWalker, Michael John
2008Bare argument ellipsis and information structureKolokonte, Marina
2006Barnacle settlement behaviour in response to con- and allo-specific cuesKirby, Margaret Rose
2008Barry MacSweeney's North East :a study of the rural and the urban in his published and unpublished poetrySmith, Rebecca Anne
2013Batch-to-batch iterative learning control of a fed-batch fermentation processJewaratnam, Jegalakshimi
2019Battery charging system incorporating an equalisation circuit for electric vehiclesZhan, Huaxia
1997A Bayes decision theoretic approach to the optimal design of screensLaws, David Joseph
2020Bayes linear bayes network models for medical diagnosis and prognosisAl-Taie, Wael Abdulateef Jasim
2004Bayesian analysis of linear spatio-temporal modelsGarside, Linda Michelle
2011Bayesian calibration of fluvial flood models for risk analysisManning, Lucy J
2020Bayesian calibration of stochastic kinetic models using a Dirichlet process mixture of Gaussian processesKhan, Aamir
2014Bayesian hierarchical modelling for inferring genetic interactions in yeastHeydari, Jonathan
2023Bayesian Inference for Enhanced Road Safety AnalysisHewett, Nicola K.
2020Bayesian inference for linear stochastic differential equations with application to biological processesMcLean, Ashleigh Taylor