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Showing results 4888 to 4907 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020S-N Curves and fracture mechanics based fatigue assessment of offshore floating wind turbinesWu, Junyi
2018a Sa'di's Rose garden : a paean to reconciliation ; an exploration of socio-political relations, human interactions, integration, peace and harmonyAhmadian, Cherkawani, Mohamad
2020Safeguarding young people : an exploratory study of how practice developsDias Carolas, Anna
2024Safety aspects of lithium ion batteriesWise, Malcolm Stewart
2013The salience of boundaries :strategies of distinction, boundary reification and knowledge sharing in a nascent field of practiceZdunczyk, Katarzyna Anna
2000Sand and gravel transport through a riffle-pool sequenceMilan, David John
2013Satie and the French musical canon :a reception studyHanlon, Ann-Marie
2013Saudi perceptions of linguistic representations for women…Damanhouri, Miramar Yousif
2023Saudi PhD Sojourners’ Construction of Identities on Twitter: An Exploratory Study in the United KingdomAlmesfer, Badryah Khaled
2023Saudi Women Instagram Microcelebrities: Self-(Re)presentations, Messages, and Aspects Guiding Their PerformancesLary, Ruaa
2020Saving Our Bacon: Applications of Deep Learning for Precision Pig FarmingCowton, Jake
2014Scaffolded assistance in Kenyan secondary school classrooms :the case of Maseno University student teachers of EnglishLugendo, Dorine June Munaba
2017Scalable and responsive real time event processing using cloud computingSuresh, Visalakshmi
2021Scalable Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling with application in genomicsKontaratou, Antonia
2019Scalable Bayesian Time Series Modelling for Streaming DataLaw, Jonathan
2007Scalable collision detection for distributed virtual environmentsStorey, Kier
2016Scalable coordination of distributed in-memory transactionsEmerson, Ryan
2006Scalable Internet auctionsKhayyambashi, Mohammad-Reza
2023Scalable Verification of Cyber-Physical SystemsPotomkin, Kostiantyn
2016Scale effect in nutrient transport along a rural river system : the river Eden, Cumbria UKTijani, Fatai Oladapo