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Showing results 5797 to 5816 of 5951 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023V-dp/di droop control technique with d²p/di² to improve dynamic performance for multiple PV modules in islanded DC microgridChan, Wing Chun
2021Validating Next Generation Therapeutics and Targets in Castrate-Resistant Prostate CancerSimcock, Matthew John
2022Validating the peripheral histamine system for therapeutic interventions in pre-clinical in vivo models of acute itch and chronic neuropathic painAlrashdi, Ibrahim Awadh H
2021Valorisation of nitrogen-deficient wastewater treatment systems using sludge enriched with nitrogen-fixing bacteriaOspina Betancourth, Maria Carolina
2015Value co-creation in practice : an activity theory approach to service-based and networked business relationsFerreira, Paulo Sergio Altman.
2022Value co-creation through digital technology in developing economies : reflections from Indonesian agri-food E-commerce chainUtami, Hesty Nurul
2014The value of home urodiagnostics in the assessment of men with lower urinary tract symptomsBray, Alison Lisa
2021The value of multi-functional urban agriculture in creating sustainable citiesLi, Ang
2020The Value of Public Goods in Altruistic SocietiesBeeson, Morgan
2019The value of voice through employee ownership :fabric or fabrication?Watson, Judith F
2019A value sensitive approach to communicate with users and designers in cross-cultural contextsAlshehri, Taghreed
2007Value-relevance of accounting information and shareholding structure in emerging capital markets : evidence from Chinese listed companiesChe, Bo
2020Values and Decision-making within an Acute Medicine ServiceMartin, Luke
2020Valuing modern architectural heritage in the UK and China : case studies of the changing nature, expression and use of heritage valueDai, Yun
2012Valuing motorcycle casualties in developing countries using willingness-to pay method :stated-preference discrete choice modelling approachWidyastuti, Hera
2011Valuing the attributes of Malaysian recreational parks :a choice experiment approachHasan Basri, Bakti
2014Vangl2 as a key regulator of cell behaviour within the developing cardiac outflow tract :elaborating specific roles in second heart field and neural crest cellsSharma, Vipul
1989Variability in interrogation and negation in spoken FrenchCoveney, Aidan Benedict
2017Variation and change in English negation : a cross-dialectal perspectiveChilds, Claire Claire
2023Variation and Change in Modern Received Pronunciation: Understanding interactions between private education and regional accent variationHalfacre, Caitlin