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Title: The breadth of open innovation activities : antecedents and outcomes, a dynamic capability perspective
Authors: El Maalouf, Nicole
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Newcastle University
Abstract: Building on the theory of dynamic capabilities, this study seeks to examine the implementation of open innovation at the firm level. Specifically, this research focuses on the breadth of open activities, a potential first-order dynamic capability to examine its antecedents and outcomes. It examined (a) the effect of the breadth of open innovation activities (e.g., external technology acquisition, crowdsourcing, customer co-creation in R&D projects) as a potential first-order dynamic capability, on firm innovativeness. Additionally, this research studied (b) the effect of a potential second-order routine, representing open innovation training, and potential second-order dynamic capabilities including social information systems capabilities, the anticipation of new technologies, and relational capability on the breadth of open innovation activities. A pilot test of six semi-structured interviews was conducted to revise the conceptual model of this study. Then, online surveys, as the main method of data collection used in this research, were distributed mainly to innovation and R&D managers at high value manufacturing companies in the UK. 211 completed surveys, representing a satisfactory response rate of 21.1%, were obtained and used in the hierarchical regression method adopted to analyse the data in this study. This research found that the breadth of open innovation activities is a first-order dynamic capability resulting in a higher level of firm innovativeness, but only up to certain extent, after which lower firm innovativeness results. Open innovation training, social information systems capabilities and relational capability were found to be key antecedents supporting the breadth of open innovation activities. This study contributed to the inbound open innovation implementation literature at the firm level, in relation to antecedents and outcomes of the breadth of open innovation activities, through the dynamic capabilities theory. It also provided better guidance for managers in this regard, and suggested future research areas.
Description: PhD Thesis
Appears in Collections:Newcastle University Business School

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