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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 234
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The impact of shopping-malls in a neoliberal and globalising city context on nearby traditional and existing retail forms : case study of the Accra and West Hills Malls in Accra, GhanaYakubu, Iddrisu
2024Infrastructuring neighbourhood publics : local responses to infrastructural breakdown during the COVID-19 pandemicHedenborg, Erkki Emmanuel
2024What makes a community resilient to a flood disaster?Chae, Jeongeun
2024Bacterial Sculpting : a processual approach to forming with unruly matterArnardottir, Thora Hafdis
2024Community participation in South Korean heritage-led regenerationHwang, Byung Choon
2024The emergence and consolidation of heritage conservation in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 1955-2021Alfelali, Mohanad Ahmad
2023Understanding the Impact of Socio-cultural, Built Environment, and Policy Factors on Walkability in Bahrain: The Case Study of Hidd CityAl Hammadi, Fatema Ahmed
2023Infrastructuring Food Democracy: Designing Social Innovations with Food Citizens in North East EnglandProst, Sebastian
2023An Investigation into the Determinants of Residential Electricity Consumption in Makkah, Saudi Arabia with Particular Reference to the Occupant Behavioural AspectsNojoum, Hatem Abdulrahman A.
2023An Investigation into the Use of Building Energy Performance Simulation Tools in the Early Stages of Building Design in the UKMahmoud, Ramy Osama
2022Housing problems and vulnerability in Nigeria’s informal settlementsNchor, Julius Uti
2023A comparative study of assisted self-help and informal self-built housing in Angola to further a discussion about improving Government low-income housing programs.da Mata, Felix Voigt
2023Power and discrimination in a space : the role of cultural built heritage in identity construction of Chinese IndonesiansFebruandari, Asmarani
2023An exploration of the concept of ‘walkability’ in a hot arid climate : the case of Makkah cityAlmajadiah, Abdulrahman Mubarak.
2022Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) effectiveness and “local context” : the case of NigeriaOlorundami, Tokunbo Alaga
2022Examining the production and perceptions of public space in developing urban environment: an exploration of Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamVo, Nguyen Thien Thanh
2022Re-Designing Planning Policy Processes and Embedding Technology: The Case of Neighbourhood PlanningManuel, Jennifer
2022Negotiating eldercare in Chinese middle-class families : a case study of Tianjin, ChinaWang, Lu
2022Citizen participation, collective action and digital media: Seeking spatial justice in Manizales, ColombiaPinzón Cardona, Laura
2021The value of multi-functional urban agriculture in creating sustainable citiesLi, Ang
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 234