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Results 31-40 of 60 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000The problematic of partnership in the assessment of special educational needsTodd, Elizabeth Sarah
2006Professional and pedagogical implications of training in thinking skills interventions :investigating primary school teachers' attitudes and beliefs about teaching thinking in England and in PortugalRodrigues, Stella Maria Fernandes Marques
2005Professional consultation with pupils through teaching about learning :educational psychologists working with pupils to explore their understanding of themselves as learners as they move from primary to secondary schoolHobbs, Charmian
2002A study of the L1 and L2 writing processes and strategies of Arab learners with special reference to third-year Libyan university studentsEl-Aswad, Aboubaker Ali A
2007The impact of textual cohesive conjunctions on the reading comprehensive of 4th year English major students in Libyan universitiesInnajih, Abdussalam Ammar
2001In-service teacher training :policy and practice with particular reference to the United KingdomJimenez, Marleny
2003Thinking about pedagogy : an investigation into the impact of the teaching of thinking on teachers' pedagogy and implications for professional developmentBlaize, Jeffrey
2007The experiences of gay and lesbian teachers in secondary education :prejudice, acceptance, triumphWardle, Michael Joseph
2005Using solution focused brief therapy to support secondary aged pupils facing exclusion from schoolWilson, Dennis
2005Children and national identity : how children conceptualise identity : a comparison of case studies from Romania and EnglandPopoviciu, Liviu