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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 103
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992Ion selective electrodes in ion chromatographyIsildak, Ibrahim
1994Carbon molecular sieves for air separationChagger, Harnit Kaur
1999Dediazoniation reactions as potential routes to fluoroaromaticsSexton, Brian
1977Potential -pH relationships of some metal-metal oxide electrodesJones, D.G.
1985An investigation of ion-selective membranes by impedance techniquesEvans, Gary Philip
1991Analytical applications of ion selective devicesDick, Janice
1996Determination of ionized magnesium with ion-selective electrodesDanish, Ekram Yousif
1984Studies of membrane composition and factors affecting the analytical use of potassium responsive ion-selective electrodesArami, M
1985Electrocrystallisation studies on cadmiumChurchouse, Stephen John
1977Film formation on stainless steel in acidified dichromate solutionsAnsell, Raymond Owen
1980Potentiometric titrations with ion-selective electrodes of aqueous carbonate systems and study of a novel carbonate speciesSarbar, Mohammad
1988Ion-selective sensors applied to the analysis of blood electrolytesKataky, Ritu
2001Investigation of the electrode/electrolyte interface using ultra fast electrochemical ellipsometryAbel, Julia Catherine
1999New insights into micellar structural evolution and interaction using voltammetric methodsCharlton, Ian David
1997Corrosion of aluminium in contact with cutting fluids / electrochemistry of corrosionBraham, Victoria Jane
1995The hydrogen-ion response of the glass electrode in aqueous and partially-aqueous solutionsBottom, Alan Edward
1990Black holes and quantum cosmologyMellor, Felicity Avril
1991Synthetic and mechanistic studies of cyclopropenesAl-Dulayymi, Juma'a Raheem Najeem
1997The application of electroanalytical methods to the measurement of metal complex-nucleic acid interactionsAslanoglu, Mehmet
1993Protein modelling and associated drug designScott, Richard Kennedy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 103