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Showing results 4029 to 4048 of 5949 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995Parallel implementation of the finite element method on shared memory multiprocessorsPakzad, Mustapha
2000Parallel simulations using recurrence relations and relaxationMcGough, Andrew Stephen
2019Paramedic identification of stroke mimic presentations : development and preliminary evaluation of a pre-hospital clinical assessment toolMcClelland, Graham
2019Parameter inference for stochastic biological modelsRevell, Jeremy Duncan
2020Parametric estimation of non-minimum phase switch mode power convertersLi, Ruisheng
2012Parents as agents of change : understanding and developing home-school partnerships in response to parentLascelles, Anna
2022‘Parents as Partners’: Perspectives on the Important Elements of Family-School Partnerships for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or DisabilitiesHolmes, Ryan James
2015Partially commutative and differential graded algebraic structuresAl-Juburie, Abdulsatar Jmah Theib
2022Participants’ Attitudes Towards Data SharingHowe, Nicola Louise
2011Participation as a complex phenomenon in the EFL classroomWarayet, Abdalla Mustafa
2012Participation in a professional development group :perspectives of staff at a specialist further education collegeMo, Margaret Chiu Wan
2019Participation, dwelling and environment : re-housing an indigenous Karen community in ThailandSukkasame, Sadanu
2007Participatory land planning in the region of Madrid (Spain) :an integrative perspectiveHernandez Jimenez, Veronica
2014Participatory modelling for holistic understanding of catchment health and human health in Andean rural microcatchments :the case of CalabazasDominguez Rivera, Isabel Cristina
2018Participatory urban redevelopment in Tehran : an investigation through sense of placeErfani, Goran
1984Particle detectors in curved space quantum field theoryHinton, Kerry
2021Partisan budget cycles and electoral accountability in the European Union using Household Tax Rates, 1996-2016Tengur, Neha Devi
2016Partitioning workflow applications over federated clouds to meet non-functional requirementsWen, Zhenyu
2018Passive fire protection of metallic structuresWan Jusoh, Wan Nursheila Binti
2014Passive low frequencey RFID for detection and monitoring of corrosion under paint and insulationAlamin, Mohammed