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Showing results 3284 to 3303 of 5963 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1989M.E. Braddon’s early fiction (1860-1868)Devonshire, Christine
2017M3 strategic decision-making under uncertainty : modes, models, & momentumRoelofse, Emmalinde
2022A macaque model of Motor Neurone DiseaseJones, Rachael Heather Anne
2022Machine Learning and Probabilistic Methods for Network Security AssessmentMatthews, Isaac
2023Machine learning for actionable knowledge discovery in synthetic biologyHuang, Yiming
2023Machine learning for digital phenotyping from accelerometer data with applications to type-2 diabetesLam, Benjamin Puitong
2020Machine-Checked Formalisation and Verification of Cryptographic ProtocolsMetere, Roberto
2017The machinery of eviction : bailiffs, power, resistance and eviction enforcement practices in England and WalesBaker, Alexander George.
1969The machining of rock materials.Allington, Andrew V.
2016Macro-prudential financial regulation of banks after the crisis of 2008Metzing, Peter Christian
2016A macroecological study of Caribbean parrotfishesNugraha, Wahyu Andy
1998Macroeconomic adjustments and oil revenue fluctuations :the case of Iran 1960-1990Arman, Sayyed Aziz
2013Macroeconomic variables, oil prices and seasonality :three key issues empirically investigated for Islamic stock market indicesAbalala, Turki Shjaan
1997Madness in the text : a study of Simone de Beauvoir’s writing practiceHolland, Alison Teresa
2015Magic Land design and the use of interactive tabletops in non-directive play therapy with primary school children :to play or not to play?Pykhtina, Olga
1976Magnesium sialonsPerera, Dayantha Shreshta
2016A magnet assisted segmental rotor switched reluctance machine suitable for fault tolerant aerospace applicationsUllah, Sana
2018Magnetic domain microstructure analysis of sintered rare earth magnet materials with high coercivityYazid, Muhsien Mohamed Nasr
2008Magnetic fields, cosmic rays and synchrotron emission in spiral galaxiesSnodin, Andrew
2020Magnetic polymethylmethacrylate cements for hyperthermic cancer treatmentOzdemir, Fatma