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Title: Transmit optimization techniques for physical layer security
Authors: Chu, Zheng
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Newcastle University
Abstract: Over the last several decades, reliable communication has received considerable attention in the area of dynamic network con gurations and distributed processing techniques. Traditional secure communications mainly considered transmission cryptography, which has been developed in the network layer. However, the nature of wireless transmission introduces various challenges of key distribution and management in establishing secure communication links. Physical layer security has been recently recognized as a promising new design paradigm to provide security in wireless networks in addition to existing conventional cryptographic methods, where the physical layer dynamics of fading channels are exploited to establish secure wireless links. On the other hand, with the ever-increasing demand of wireless access users, multi-antenna transmission has been considered as one of e ective approaches to improve the capacity of wireless networks. Multi-antenna transmission applied in physical layer security has extracted more and more attentions by exploiting additional degrees of freedom and diversity gains. In this thesis, di erent multi-antenna transmit optimization techniques are developed for physical layer secure transmission. The secrecy rate optimization problems (i.e., power minimization and secrecy rate maximization) are formulated to guarantee the optimal power allocation. First, transmit optimization for multiple-input single-output (MISO) secrecy channels are developed to design secure transmit beamformer that minimize the transmit power to achieve a target secrecy rate. Besides, the associated robust scheme with the secrecy rate outage probability constraint are presented with statistical channel uncertainty, where the outage probability constraint requires that the achieved secrecy rate exceeds certain thresholds with a speci c probability. Second, multiantenna cooperative jammer (CJ) is presented to provide jamming services that introduces extra interference to assist a multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) secure transmission. Transmit optimization for this CJaided MIMO secrecy channel is designed to achieve an optimal power allocation. Moreover, secure transmission is achieved when the CJ introduces charges for its jamming service based on the amount of the interference caused to the eavesdropper, where the Stackelberg game is proposed to handle, and the Stackelberg equilibrium is analytically derived. Finally, transmit optimization for MISO secure simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) is investigated, where secure transmit beamformer is designed with/without the help of arti - cial noise (AN) to maximize the achieved secrecy rate such that satisfy the transmit power budget and the energy harvesting (EH) constraint. The performance of all proposed schemes are validated by MATLAB simulation results.
Description: PhD Thesis
Appears in Collections:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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