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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 483
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Primary school pupils with English as an additional language : an analysis of interactional practices facilitating participation during group workMaddison, Sabina
2023Saudi PhD Sojourners’ Construction of Identities on Twitter: An Exploratory Study in the United KingdomAlmesfer, Badryah Khaled
2024An examination of block and integrated practice learning models within employer sponsored pre-registration nursing programmesColeman, Philip
2024Exploring school connectedness amongst Black secondary school aged students and their parents and the implications for Educational Psychology practice in the North EastBaloro, Samantha Louise Baseko
2024The level of intercultural communicative competence of Saudi Postgraduates in the UK and KSA (Comparative Study)Almeshal, Amjad Abdullah
2023Availability and making significant co-speech gestures in L2 classroomsAlmulla, Ahman
2023The roles of familiarity, intelligibility and attitude in the processing of L1 accentsKrug, Andreas
2023The Use of Behaviour Change Techniques in Interventions for German speaking Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Identification and TrainingFerk-Dornstauder, Melanie Anna
2023Support, belonging and access : examining funded doctoral centres and the Postgraduate student experienceMcGee, Oonagh
2023Cross-situational word learning: Interaction with linguistic domains and underlying mechanismsAmillos, Patricia Besonia
2023The collaborative management of interaction in multiparty, second language, oral assessment tasksStephenson, Michael
2023“Holding the Family and the Child in Front of Everything Else” An Exploration of Educational Psychologists’ Perspectives on Family-Centred Practice in Early Years Education: An Appreciative InquiryHutcheson-Galbraith, Emma
2023The Experiences of Sense of Belonging for Children and Young People with a Physical Disability in Education SettingsLambert, Charlotte Olivia
2023Arabic obstruents : laryngeal contrast and representationDallak, Abdulrahman
2023"I like a bit of craic, it makes everything more worthwhile" : an exploration of relational resilience amongst school staffClarke, Emily Ellen
2023How can we support a sense of belonging in the school community for children and young people with youth justice involvement?Seymour, Georgina Faye
2023How can educational psychologists help to strengthen parents' agency when their child moves into aternative provision?Allen-Coope, Deborah Louise
2023A conversation analytic study of online video-mediated L2 classrooms : the affordances of audioactivation/deactivation features in interaction managementAlghamdi, Ali Mohammad A
2023An exploration into how children, young people and adults conceptualise and enhance children and young people’s participation through meta-ethnography and collaborative action researchSmith, Katie
2023The effects of technology- and non-technology-based vocabulary learning activities on Saudi EFL learners’ pushed output vocabulary learning titleAlbaqami, Saad Eid S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 483