Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | A corpus-based study of collocations in Chinese-to-English consecutive interpreting | Wu, Jingy |
2024 | Chinese to English Video Game Linguists and Culture Specific Items in the Translation of a Wuxia RPG: a controlled partial-localisation case study | Robertson, Dariush |
2023 | Uncovering class in the works of Annie Ernaux, Christine Angot and Virginie Despentes | Jobling, Jemima Rose |
2023 | Independent Chinese Eco-Documentary: Cinematic Encounters with Post-Socialist Development and the Anthropocene Crisis | McGeorge, Kelly Anne |
2022 | Jordanian Cinema and Gender Regimes: Representations and Audience Reception | Al-Shara’h, Arene N. |
2009 | Trainee Translators’ Autonomous and Reflective Learning – Using Diary, Think-Aloud and Small Group Discussion Activities | Chen, Ya-Yun |
2020 | Nursing Nuns: Visibility, Power, and Identity in the Historiography of Three Nineteenth-Century French Congregations | Short, Jemima Elizabeth |
2020 | A City Transformed? Gendering the strategies and experience of urban change in Medellín | Young, Alexandra |
2021 | Branding Central America for an International market : practitioner networks in the region’s film production | Fallas Fallas, Luis Fernando |
2020 | Judging a book by its cover : reader responses to paratexts in English and German translations of Chinese banned books | Kraemer, Lena |
2019 | Reading the walls in Bogotá : imaginaries of violence in the urban visual landscape | Griffin, Alba |
2019 | Representing culture, identity, hybridity and colonial relations :a paratextual and textual comparison of the Italian and English translations of Hella S. Haasse's East Indian novels "Oeroeg" and "Heren van de thee" | Peligra, Cristina |
2018 | Multiple causality of differences in taboo translation of blockbuster films by Chinese fansubbers and professionals | He, Zhengguo |
2018 | Intercultural Bilingual Education in Ecuador as a site | Manresa Axisa, Maria Antonia |
2018 | The construction of Latin America as a brand : $$b designs, narrations, and disputes in Peru and Cuba | Lossio, Félix |
2017 | How suspense in detective fiction is affected when translated : a case study based on textual analysis of three Chinese translations of The Hound of the Baskervilles | Lin, Jessica Yi-Hsin |
2017 | Xiandai Zazhi and an alternative vision of Chinese modernity | Shi, Jie |
2017 | The uterus as a narrative space in contemporary cinema from the Americas | Carruthers, Anne |
2017 | West wind : eing 'modern' and 'Chinese' through translation | Wang, Lu |
2017 | National identity in crisis :post-1990 Holocaust cinema in Israel, Germany and Hollywood | Jenkins, Gary |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59