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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A corpus-based study of collocations in Chinese-to-English consecutive interpretingWu, Jingy
2024Chinese to English Video Game Linguists and Culture Specific Items in the Translation of a Wuxia RPG: a controlled partial-localisation case studyRobertson, Dariush
2023Uncovering class in the works of Annie Ernaux, Christine Angot and Virginie DespentesJobling, Jemima Rose
2023Independent Chinese Eco-Documentary: Cinematic Encounters with Post-Socialist Development and the Anthropocene CrisisMcGeorge, Kelly Anne
2022Jordanian Cinema and Gender Regimes: Representations and Audience ReceptionAl-Shara’h, Arene N.
2009Trainee Translators’ Autonomous and Reflective Learning – Using Diary, Think-Aloud and Small Group Discussion ActivitiesChen, Ya-Yun
2020Nursing Nuns: Visibility, Power, and Identity in the Historiography of Three Nineteenth-Century French CongregationsShort, Jemima Elizabeth
2020A City Transformed? Gendering the strategies and experience of urban change in MedellínYoung, Alexandra
2021Branding Central America for an International market : practitioner networks in the region’s film productionFallas Fallas, Luis Fernando
2020Judging a book by its cover : reader responses to paratexts in English and German translations of Chinese banned booksKraemer, Lena
2019Reading the walls in Bogotá : imaginaries of violence in the urban visual landscapeGriffin, Alba
2019Representing culture, identity, hybridity and colonial relations :a paratextual and textual comparison of the Italian and English translations of Hella S. Haasse's East Indian novels "Oeroeg" and "Heren van de thee"Peligra, Cristina
2018Multiple causality of differences in taboo translation of blockbuster films by Chinese fansubbers and professionalsHe, Zhengguo
2018Intercultural Bilingual Education in Ecuador as a siteManresa Axisa, Maria Antonia
2018The construction of Latin America as a brand : $$b designs, narrations, and disputes in Peru and CubaLossio, Félix
2017How suspense in detective fiction is affected when translated : a case study based on textual analysis of three Chinese translations of The Hound of the BaskervillesLin, Jessica Yi-Hsin
2017Xiandai Zazhi and an alternative vision of Chinese modernityShi, Jie
2017The uterus as a narrative space in contemporary cinema from the AmericasCarruthers, Anne
2017West wind : eing 'modern' and 'Chinese' through translationWang, Lu
2017National identity in crisis :post-1990 Holocaust cinema in Israel, Germany and HollywoodJenkins, Gary
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59