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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 233
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Mechanisms of H₂O₂-induced signal transductionLatimer, Heather Ruth
2017Investigating how enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) subverts AKT signallingAmin, Elyas Oliver Muhammad
2009Antimicrobial peptide gene expression in human tonsilsBell, Stephanie
2017Human ribosome biogenesis and the regulation of the tumour suppressor p53Pelava, Andria
2016Estrogen and the innate epithelial defences of the urogenital tractStanton, Anna Maria
2017a A longitudinal study of long-term Escherichia coli colonisation of the elderly bladderDrage, Lauren Kathryn Letitia
2016The effect of topical neuromodulatory medications on orofacial tissue in vitroAl-Musawi, Mustafa Jawad Rwayyih
2016The biological role of naturalantisense transcripts in zebrafishdevelopmentPiatek, Monica Jessica
2017Glycan utilisation and resource allocation by prominent members of the human gut microbiotaBriggs, Jonathon
2016Copper binding of the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in Staphylococcus aureusStevenson, Jack Alan
2016Characterising microsporidian host-parasite interactionsWatson, Andrew Keith
2016A mitochondrial ROS signal activates mitochondrial turnover and represses TOR during stressSriram, Ashwin
2016On the evolution of growth and senescence /King, Annette
2016p62 : linking protein homeostasis and the DNA damage response during ageingHewitt, Graeme
2016Phenotype-specific store-operated calcium entry and the differentiation response in neuroblastoma cells /Whitworth, Claire Leanne
2016An investigation into the stress response mechanisms and virulence of the human fungal pathogen, Candida albicansIkeh, Melanie
2016Cell wall morphogenesis in Bacillus subtilisBrown, James
2016Exploring cellular actions and interactions of SIRT1 that may counteract ageingHutchinson, Suzanne Mary
2016The role of telomere damage in cardiomyocyte ageingAnderson, Rhys Kyle
2016The role of enzymes and binding modules in the degradation of eukaryotic, microbial and plant cell wallsTemple, Max
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 233