Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 233
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | The role of neutrophils in telomere induced senescence via bystander effects | Lagnado, Anthony Benjamin Sylvain |
2017 | Comparison of the microbiological profile of sputum and percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy fed gastric juice aspirate in Cystic Fibrosis patients : descriptive evidence of a potential aerodigestive microbiome | Al-Momani, Hafez Abdel-Wali Oqlah |
2017 | Yeast genome-wide telomere screens and insights into cancer | Pedro Rodrigues, Joana Cristina |
2017 | Regulation and biological function of the RNA ligase RtcB in Escherichia coli | Hann, Georgia Mary |
2017 | The link between copper homeostasis and Alzheimer's disease as a route to therapy | Tsefou, Eliona |
2017 | Control of gene expression through coupling of transcription and translation | Stevenson-Jones, Flint Ruben |
2017 | Heterogeneity in Bacillus subtilis : growth phase dependent activity and noise | Ewen, Tom |
2017 | Remodelling of store-operated Ca²⁺ entry and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest | Eliwa, Marwa Etfat |
2017 | Survival of non-sporulating Bacillus subtilis upon energy limitation | Gray, Declan Alan |
2016 | Molecular pharmacology of DNA topoisomerase II drugs | Lee, Ka Cheong |
2016 | Exploring the mechanisms behind cigarette smoke-induced internalization of CFTR | Marklew, Abigail Jane |
2017 | Responding to different types of damaged telomeres | Markiewicz-Potoczny., Marta |
2017 | Investigation into the functions of sumoylation in yeast | Lewis, Clare |
2017 | Microbial pectin recognition and utilization of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract | Luís, Ana Sofia de Jesus Vaz |
2017 | A comparative study of native and heterologous enzyme production in Bacillus subtilis | Cruz, Rita Alexandra Leal |
2017 | Analysis of cellular heterogeneity for enhancing the protein production in industrial scales | Sauer, Christopher |
2017 | Selenium modulation of gut epithelial cell stress responses | Moore, Anthony Norman |
2017 | Structural studies of pathogenicity-related proteins in Clostridium difficile | Crawshaw, Adam Daniel |
2017 | Oxidation-dependent regulation of the selective autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62 | Manni, Diego |
2017 | Stress signalling and fungal pathogenesis in Candida species | Kos, Iaroslava |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 233