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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 233
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The role of neutrophils in telomere induced senescence via bystander effectsLagnado, Anthony Benjamin Sylvain
2017Comparison of the microbiological profile of sputum and percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy fed gastric juice aspirate in Cystic Fibrosis patients : descriptive evidence of a potential aerodigestive microbiomeAl-Momani, Hafez Abdel-Wali Oqlah
2017Yeast genome-wide telomere screens and insights into cancerPedro Rodrigues, Joana Cristina
2017Regulation and biological function of the RNA ligase RtcB in Escherichia coliHann, Georgia Mary
2017The link between copper homeostasis and Alzheimer's disease as a route to therapyTsefou, Eliona
2017Control of gene expression through coupling of transcription and translationStevenson-Jones, Flint Ruben
2017Heterogeneity in Bacillus subtilis : growth phase dependent activity and noiseEwen, Tom
2017Remodelling of store-operated Ca²⁺ entry and G0/G1 cell cycle arrestEliwa, Marwa Etfat
2017Survival of non-sporulating Bacillus subtilis upon energy limitationGray, Declan Alan
2016Molecular pharmacology of DNA topoisomerase II drugsLee, Ka Cheong
2016Exploring the mechanisms behind cigarette smoke-induced internalization of CFTRMarklew, Abigail Jane
2017Responding to different types of damaged telomeresMarkiewicz-Potoczny., Marta
2017Investigation into the functions of sumoylation in yeastLewis, Clare
2017Microbial pectin recognition and utilization of the mammalian gastrointestinal tractLuís, Ana Sofia de Jesus Vaz
2017A comparative study of native and heterologous enzyme production in Bacillus subtilisCruz, Rita Alexandra Leal
2017Analysis of cellular heterogeneity for enhancing the protein production in industrial scalesSauer, Christopher
2017Selenium modulation of gut epithelial cell stress responsesMoore, Anthony Norman
2017Structural studies of pathogenicity-related proteins in Clostridium difficileCrawshaw, Adam Daniel
2017Oxidation-dependent regulation of the selective autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62Manni, Diego
2017Stress signalling and fungal pathogenesis in Candida speciesKos, Iaroslava
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 233