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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 233
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Insights into the enzymatic degradation of mannan (in situ) and pectin utilization by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicronZhang, Xiaoyang
2015Co-ordination of DNA replication initiation and chromosome segregation during sporulationRostami, Nadia
2015Proteins that function at telomeres : genetic and biochemical investigationGreetham, Matthew James
2015The effects of hypercapnia on CFTR-dependent HCOb3p-s secretion in human airway epitheliaTurner, Mark John
2015An analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins using hidden Markov models and experimental design of stochastic kinetic modelsWilkinson, Nina
2015Protein translocation across the gram negative bacterial membrane /Arunmanee, Wanatchaporn
2015The expression and localisation of membrane transporters and P450 enzymes along the longitudinal and crypt-villus axes of the rat intestine and their response to oral imatinibWebster, Megan
2015Structural and functional characterisation of LdcB LD-carboxypeptidases from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Bacillus subtilisHoyland, Christopher Neil
2015Novel types of RNA polymerasesForrest, David Andrew
2015The role of the Bacillus subtilis ParABS system in DNA replication and segregationKoh Soon Chai, Alan
2015Stress induced transcriptional regulation of the glycine transporter type 1A (GlyT-1A/SLC6A9) in human intestinal epitheliaFultang, Livingstone Kimbi Fatele
2014Development of an in vitro rat proximal tubule cell model as a platform for drug transporter and drug-drug interaction studiesChung, Git Weng.
2015Cellular responses to zinc involving the transcription factor ZNF658 and its target genesOgo, Ogo Agbor
2014The role of surface amino acid residues in protein folding and stabilityHuang, Yan
2014Fluorescence and active site engineering studies of copper-containing oxidoreductasesKostrz, Dorota Natalia
2014Consequences to health :gastro-oesophageal reflux in the cystic fibrosis populationZeybel, Gemma Louise
2014Detailed analysis of sequence requirements within 2A translational recoding peptidesYan, Fu
2014Processivity and thermostability of archaeal DNA polymerases :application in PCRKinsman, Thomas Stephen
2014DNA-based conducting polymer nanowires for biosensor applicationsHedley, Joseph Henry
2014Regulation of peptidoglycan synthesis during cell division in Escherichia coliEgan, Alexander John Frederick
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 233