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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 233
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Modulation of fat digestion using bioactive alginatesHoughton, David
2014Thermostable DNA polymerases in replication, repair and biotechnologyGilroy, Louise
2014Regulation of the DNA licensing protein Cdt1 in Xenopus laevis embryosWoodhouse, Laura
2014Extracellular DNA in head and neck biofilmsShields, Robert Colquhoun.
2014Bayesian hierarchical modelling for inferring genetic interactions in yeastHeydari, Jonathan
2014Bioactive alginates and macronutrient digestionChater, Peter
2014Investigations of the innate immune defences in the urogenital tractLanz, Marcelo
2014Molecular characterization of the cell division protein SepFCelik, Ilkay Nazli
2013Characterisation of a cyanobacterial nickel sensor and a thermodynamic model of metal sensingFoster, Andrew William
2014Investigating thermostable DNA polymerases for PCR-based applicationsKeith, Brian
2013Novel glycan-targeted extracellular proteases from divergent mucosal microbesNdeh, Didier Akara.
2010The effects of genetics, age and rearing environment on AvBD gene expression and gut anti-microbial activities in three chicken linesButler, Vanessa Leanne
2013The role of protein :protein interactions in regulating flagellar assemblyPoonchareon, Kritchai
2011Studies of recombinant protein expression :targeting signals, 3'untranslated regions and trans-acting factorsKhazaipoul, Siavash
2013Structural and functional studies of Ly49B, a key immune receptor in myeloid cellsMickiewicz, Katarzyna Maria
2012Regulation of cancer cell proliferation and mitosis by NF-kBLedoux, Adeline
2013An investigation of ageing-related genomic effects of resveratrolAlatawi, Fatema Suliman
2013Selenium-gene interactions involving microRNAsMaciel Dominguez, Anabel
2013Mitochondrial DNA depletion and insulin secretionHine, Donna Louise
2013Protein scaffolds for cell cultureMachado Roque, Ana Isabel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 233