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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 174
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The Whole Story : The Role of Narrative in the Work of Kate BushNaisbett, Stephanie
2024The politics and aesthetics of creative music : a Rancièrian encounter with the AACMArnot, Stuart John
2023Aesthetics of sustainability : what impact can a critical multi-media arts practice have on our visions for a sustainable future?Sallis, Sabina
2023Between Pleasure, Pain and Power: Theorizing Masculinities through BDSMBogova, Dana Rumenova
2023Renaissance music theory in practice, polyphonic reconstruction as pedagogical tool for the study of counterpointBarbaro, Carmela
2023Saudi Women Instagram Microcelebrities: Self-(Re)presentations, Messages, and Aspects Guiding Their PerformancesLary, Ruaa
2023Schubert, Tragedy and German PhilhellenismNoble, Jonathan
2023Music of the Paston Household: Case Studies of Circulation and Adaptation in the Lutebook GB-Lbl Add. MS 29247Nolan, Caitlin
2023Exit through the crisis : essayistic futurisms and the expanded essay filmCoram, Jeremy David
2023Virtual Mexico: Magical Towns in 360 degrees An exploratory study of the potential of 360-degree video in promoting cultural tourismSalazar Flores, Jesús Leopoldo
2022Making worlds between extinction and care: a study of values and imaginaries in social art practiceMarsden, Hannah Louise
2022Improvisation in Rock Music: Revealing the Extent to Which Capturing Spontaneity is Fundamental to Recorded Rock MusicCook, Michael Alan
2023Investigating Kurt Schwitters' Merz Barn Wall as a Living FragmentMullender-Ross, Heather
2022From the Art Historical Canon to the ‘Post-Collection’ Museum: Collections as Collectivities in Western European Museums of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2013-20Robinson, Alistair
2023Time or money? The potential of participatory arts practice to challenge complex societal problems and imagine alternative futuresLloyd, Toby Phips
2022Older teen girls and filmsHolt, Anna
2022Contemporary Art Galleries and Cultural Policy in the Age of Intensified Marketisation: The Case of England’s Public-Funded Arts OrganisationsHopkin, Thomas
2022Walking pictures : investigating through film practice the structural, sequential and durational character of the urban walkPattison, Michael
2022Unravelling gender, party and politics in 280 characters : an exploration of British Politicians’ tweets during and between election campaignsJansen, Marloes Gerardina Maria
2021Mediated Representations of Women in Qatar : a mixed-methods study exploring symbolic annihilation, presentation of self, and postfeminist sensibilities in the Gulf Times and among women influencers on InstagramLance, Elizabeth Ashley
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 174